Monument record MYO3492 - St Leonard's Hospital Undercroft (The Keregen Room, Theatre Royal)


Archaeological excavations in advance of restoration have demonstrated the presence of a complex sequence of archaeological deposits dating from the 11/12th centuries. Within this time span however it is clear that elements are now absent, namely, 12th- 15/16th century floor levels that were removed to enabled later floor levels to be laid at the same approximate height. This lack of build-up of material during the life span of the hospital institution hints at cleanliness and a sense of order. The earliest of the deposits relate to pre-hospital usage. Certain of the later deposits relate to use of the site as the medieval hospital of St Leonard's and include evidence for probable construction work. This latter also incorporates evidence for structural partitioning of bays within the undercroft. Evidence has been recovered for the post reformation period, including that demonstrating a considerable raising of floor levels after the site was taken over by the theatre in the mid 18th century. A factor worthy of note concerns the apparent re-use of materials, particularly emphasised in the case of the brick and tile.


Grid reference Centred SE 6011 5212 (5m by 8m)
Map sheet SE65SW
Unitary Authority City of York, North Yorkshire


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Record last edited

May 9 2018 1:59PM


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