EYO4632 - Maltings public house, Tanner’s Moat, Watching Brief




Location Maltings public house, Tanner’s Moat
Grid reference Centred SE 5994 5185 (12m by 11m)
Map sheet SE55SE
Unitary Authority City of York, North Yorkshire



Æcern Archæology





Abstract: An archaeological watching brief was carried out on the Maltings public house, Tanner’s Moat, York (NGR SE 5993 5185); AA12WB03, to fulfil a condition attached to planning application (10/01756/FUL) for the construction of a two story extension and raised deck area. Ground reduction was monitored during a single visit on 4th April 2012, and a follow-up visit on 10th April to speak to the piling crew. Groundworks were of limited depth and a 19th or 20th century make-up deposit and 20th century petrol station features were seen. The piling crew provided limited data relating to underlying deposits, although this probably reflects the underlying geology rather than archaeological deposits. No finds were recovered during the archaeological work. Deposit interpretation: The driven pile technique was such that it produced no up-cast that could be recorded or examined for archaeological finds. The 11 piles were sunk to a depth at which they attained a pre-determined “set” or deposit compaction, which was between 8.5 and 10.0m below the ground level (BGL) [c-0.9 to 0.6m OD]. This depth can be compared to the adjacent Leedham’s Garage/Stakis Hotel archaeological investigations, where the natural geology was reached at approximately 5m BGL [c4m OD]. It is therefore not possible to determine whether the deposit compaction represented an actual deposit change, and if so whether this was due to a variation in natural deposits (top of boulder clay?) or perhaps unusually deep top of natural deposits. No further archaeological or deposit model information can be obtained from this intervention.

Sources/Archives (1)

  • --- Unpublished document: 2012. The Maltings PH, Tanner’s Moat, York AA12 WB03.

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Record last edited

Feb 10 2021 1:37PM


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