Source/Archive record SYO1391 - The Maltings PH, Tanner’s Moat, York AA12 WB03

Title The Maltings PH, Tanner’s Moat, York AA12 WB03
Date/Year 2012


An archaeological watching brief was carried out on the Maltings public house, Tanner’s Moat, York (NGR SE 5993 5185); AA12WB03, to fulfil a condition attached to planning application (10/01756/FUL) for the construction of a two story extension and raised deck area. Ground reduction was monitored during a single visit on 4th April 2012, and a follow-up visit on 10th April to speak to the piling crew. Groundworks were of limited depth and a 19th or 20th century make-up deposit and 20th century petrol station features were seen. The piling crew provided limited data relating to underlying deposits, although this probably reflects the underlying geology rather than archaeological deposits. No finds were recovered during the archaeological work.

Referenced Monuments (0)

Referenced Events (2)

  • Maltings public house, Tanner’s Moat, Watching Brief (Ref: AA12WB03)
  • Maltings public house, Tanner’s Moat: Borehole 6: natural (Ref: AA12WB03)

Record last edited

Apr 12 2013 11:12AM


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