EYO774 - 106 Lawrence Street




Grid reference SE 6144 5130 (point)
Map sheet SE65SW
Unitary Authority City of York, North Yorkshire



On Site Archaeology


Sept - 2005



Watching Brief An archaeological watching brief was conducted at 106 Lawrence Street, a 19th century town-house situated on Lawrence Street, York, on behalf of The Diocese of Middlesborough. The fieldwork phase comprised several site visits from 3rd August to 14th September 2005. Several underpinning pits were dug beneath the south wall of the existing building as well as a foundation trench to the south of the existing building and a trench for services running along the east of the building. All excavations were carried out under archaeological supervision as specified by the Archaeological Scheme of Investigation prepared by the City of York Council. The external foundation trench to the rear of the existing building contained evidence of modern horticultural features consistent with the former land use of the site as a garden. With the exception of one modern feature, no archaeological remains were discovered. The service trench to the east of the building, in the portion closest to the Lawrence Street frontage, contained evidence for an agricultural or garden soil and two linear features. One of the linear features post-dated the agricultural soil, but was undated, while the other was sealed by the agricultural soil and was medieval in date. Pottery of medieval, post-medieval, and early modern date was recovered during the archaeological work.

Sources/Archives (1)

  • --- Unpublished document: On-Site Archaeology. 2004. 106 Lawrence Street.

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Record last edited

Aug 16 2013 10:37AM


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