EYO6309 - Hudson House




Location Hudson House
Grid reference SE 5974 5163 (point)
Map sheet SE55SE
Unitary Authority City of York, North Yorkshire



LS Archaeology



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A new development is proposed at the site of Hudson House York involving the demolition of the existing building to create new purpose built offices and residential space. Emmaus Consulting Limited, acting on behalf of Palace Capital Developments Limited, appointed LS Archaeology to establish the significance of the sites known buried heritage and the likely impact of the development upon it. This desk-based assessment takes into consideration the possibility of undiscovered archaeological assets and states that there is low potential for evidence from the Prehistoric/Iron Age and moderate potential for Romano-British and medieval periods. There is good potential for archaeological assets to be uncovered from the post medieval - industrial, specifically related to the gardens/ nursery periods (Friars Gardens/ Backhouse) and the 1845 Old Railway Station, York. NMR Description A new development is proposed at the site of Hudson House York involving the demolition of the existing building to create new purpose built offices and residential space. Emmaus Consulting Limited, acting on behalf of Palace Capital Developments Limited, appointed LS Archaeology to establish the significance of the sites known buried heritage and the likely impact of the development upon it. This desk-based assessment takes into consideration the possibility of undiscovered archaeological assets and states that there is low potential for evidence from the Prehistoric/Iron Age and moderate potential for Romano-British and medieval periods. There is good potential for archaeological assets to be uncovered from the post medieval - industrial, specifically related to the gardens/ nursery periods (Friars Gardens/ Backhouse) and the 1845 Old Railway Station, York. Information from OASIS Online Form. LS Archaeology [assessment & evaluation reports] Signorelli L/2017/Desk Based Assessment: Hudson House, York.

Sources/Archives (1)

  • --- Unpublished document: L S Archaeology. 2017. Hudson House DBA.

Related Monuments/Buildings (2)

  • Dominican Friary (Blackfriars) (Monument)
  • Hudson house (offices for British Railways technical departments 1968, on sites of monument MYO3718, MYO3719 ) (Building)

Record last edited

Jan 30 2020 4:03PM


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