EYO6245 - 11 Park Street




Location 11 Park Street
Grid reference SE 5962 5115 (point)
Map sheet SE55SE
Unitary Authority City of York, North Yorkshire



York Archaeological Trust





On the 7th April to the 8th April 2016, York Archaeological Trust undertook a watching brief at 11 Park Street off Blossom Street, York. The objective was to record any archaeological deposits, features or buried structures exposed during works associated with the construction of a conservatory at the property. The site lies within the City of York Area of Archaeological Importance. The work was carried out on behalf of Linda Wilkinson. The work involved hand excavation of a 4.0m x 4.0m area within the backyard of the property to a depth of 600mm. These works were monitored by an inspection on commencement of work, followed by a visit during the course of the excavation. No archaeological remains were encountered, and the excavations would not impact below thick build-up deposits. At this point it was agreed with the City Archaeologist John Oxley that no further monitoring of works was required.

Sources/Archives (1)

  • --- Unpublished document: York Archaeological Trust. 2016. 11 Park Street.

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Record last edited

Jun 2 2016 8:52AM


Your feedback is welcome; if you can provide any new information about this record, please contact the City Archaeologist.