EYO4192 - Askham Bryan WwTW




Location Askham Bryan WwTW
Grid reference SE 557 479 (point)
Map sheet SE54NE



Northern Archaeological Associates Ltd





PROJECT DETAILS Watching brief for groundworks associated with a new wastewater pipeline from Askham Bryan WwTW Associated Identifiers: Sitecode ABP04 NMR No. 1438230 Project Type: Recording project Investigation Type: Watching Brief Reason for Investigation: Direction from Local Planning Authority - PPG16 Current Land use: Cultivated Land 3 - Operations to a depth more than 0.25m Monument Type(s)/Period(s): DITCH Modern, DITCH Uncertain, DITCH Post Medieval PROJECT LOCATION Area 2.00 Kilometres Grid Reference: SE558479 Point Height 25.00 - 30.00 metres PROJECT CREATOR(S) Organisation: Northern Archaeological Associates Brief originator: City of York Council Design originator: Northern Archaeological Associates Director/Manager: Peter Cardwell Supervisor: Oliver Cooper Sponsor or funding body: Developer DIGITAL ARCHIVE Contents: none PAPER ARCHIVE Recipient: Yorkshire Museum ID: ABP04 Contents: Survey Media: Context sheet, Drawing, Map, Photograph, Report, Section, Unpublished Text BIBLIOGRAPHY Publication Type: Grey literature (unpublished document/manuscript) Title: Waste Water Pumping Station, Askham Bryan, Near York: Archaeological Monitoring Author(s)/Editor(s): Tabor, J and Cooper, O / Cardwell, PA Other Bibliographic Details: NAA 04/130 Date: 2006 Issuer/Publisher: NAA Place of Issue or Publication: NAA Description: Comb-bound A4 report

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Record last edited

Jul 16 2020 11:33AM


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