Listed Building: 76 Low Petergate (463919)

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Grade II
LBSUID 463919
Date assigned Monday, June 14, 1954
Date last amended


YORK SE6051NW LOW PETERGATE 1112-1/28/601 (North East side) 14/06/54 No.76 GV II Formerly known as: No.58 LOW PETERGATE. House, now shop. C15 front range with C16 rear wing; early C19 alteration and shopfront with altered glazing; C20 renovation. Both ranges timber-framed, with front range stuccoed; timber shopfront and boxed cornice; slate roof. EXTERIOR: 3-storey 2-bay front, with jettied first and second floors. First floor jetty shaped as round arch at left end, to house heavy round-headed 8-panel passage door. Shopfront has shallow 5-light canted bay window with moulded cornice, to left of glazed and panelled door. First and second floors windows are Yorkshire sashes, 2x6-paned except for one on first floor which has 9- and 15-pane lights. INTERIOR: not inspected. (City of York: RCHME: The Central Area: HMSO: 1981-: 192-3). Listing NGR: SE6042751991

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Grid reference SE 60426 51990 (point)
Map sheet SE65SW

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Jul 28 2009 12:31PM


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