Listed Building: 65 Low Petergate (463910)

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Grade II
LBSUID 463910
Date assigned Monday, June 14, 1954
Date last amended


YORK SE6052SW LOW PETERGATE 1112-1/27/594 (South West side) 14/06/54 No.65 GV II Formerly known as: No.42 LOW PETERGATE. Shop. Early C19 with altered contemporary shopfront; later C19 fenestration and roof. Orange-brown brick, in Flemish bond at front, English garden-wall bond at rear; timber shopfront and dentilled and modillioned cornice; pantile and slate mansard roof with flat-topped dormers at back and front; brick stack. EXTERIOR: 4-storeys and attic; 1-window front. Shopfront framed in narrow panelled pilasters with acanthus caps and pendants, bowed swagged frieze interspersed with oval paterae and masks at pilaster heads; altered glazing and glazed and panelled door beneath plain fanlight. Windows on first and second floors are 4-pane sashes with cambered brick arches, on third floor, unequal 15-pane sash; all have narrow painted sills. Dormer has 4-pane sash. Rear: 4 storeys and attic. 4-pane sash windows in reduced openings, with narrow sills and painted timber lintels on first and second floors: on third floor, C20 2-light window; similar in dormer. INTERIOR: RCHM records many original fittings on upper floors and an original staircase. (City of York: RCHME: The Central Area: HMSO: 1981-: 194). Listing NGR: SE6035552046

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Grid reference SE 60354 52045 (point)
Map sheet SE65SW

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Mar 23 2009 10:29AM


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