Listed Building: 28 and 30 St Andrewgate (464547)

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Grade II
LBSUID 464547
Date assigned 19 August 1971
Date last amended


YORK SE6052SE ST ANDREWGATE 1112-1/14/930 (South East side) 19/08/71 Nos.28 AND 30 GV II Formerly known as: No.42 ST ANDREWGATE. House. Mid C18, refronted and altered in mid C19; renovated 1972. Front of pink-grey mottled brick in Flemish bond on chamfered plinth; right return of orange brick in stretcher bond; painted stone eaves cornice and timber doorcase; tiled roof with brick coping, kneelers and stack. EXTERIOR: 2-storey 5-bay front. Central doorcase of fluted pilasters and dentil cornice on pelleted channelled consoles has door of 6 fielded panels beneath fluted impost band and radial-glazed fanlight, with festooned rosettes in spandrels. To left, plank carriage house doors, each of 6 sunk panels, beneath divided transom and long timber lintel; at far end, 4-panel door beneath tall overlight and flat arch. To right of central door, two 12-pane sash windows and on first floor, five similar windows, all with painted stone sills and flat arches of orange gauged brick. C19 boot scraper in moulded niche to right of front door. Raised brick band of 4 courses to first floor, truncated by carriage house lintel. Pulvinated eaves cornice. Right return: 1-window gable wall of 2 storeys and attic, to left of 2-storey 1-window wing. First floor of gable wall has Venetian window with radial-glazed centre sash beneath shaped arch of gauged brick. Other windows are 12-pane sashes as on front, except for inserted 2x6-pane Yorkshire sash to attic. INTERIOR: not inspected. (City of York: RCHME: The Central Area: HMSO: 1981-: 202). Listing NGR: SE6057552052

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Grid reference SE 60575 52052 (point)
Map sheet SE65SW

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Jun 26 2013 4:46PM


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