Source/Archive record SYO2452 - 14 Mount Parade

Title 14 Mount Parade
Date/Year 2020


The significance of 14 Mount Parade resides primarily in its history as part of the mid-19th century suburban development of this part of York outside the city walls and also for its surviving Victorian character (both externally and where evidence of original floor plan, fixtures and fittings survive). Such elements strongly contribute to its historical and architectural interest, both of which are considered to be moderate-high in terms of heritage interest. The rear offshoots/extensions are relatively modern and have neutral significance. They do not contribute to the conservation area other than outbuildings and offshoots within rear yards being characteristic of the area and therefore the presence of these is in keeping with the historical evolution of the character area. Their location off a narrow alleyway also precludes public views to them from within the conservation area, especially given the brick boundary wall to the rear yard. The house has a strong group value with other Victorian (and late Georgian) houses along Mount Parade and positively contributes to the character and appearance of the conservation area. This is particularly the case along the frontage where the elevation has been more carefully designed with greater historical character and architectural interest. The rear elevation is of lesser architectural interest given its more ad-hoc appearance.

Referenced Monuments (1)

  • 12-15 Mount Parade (Building)

Referenced Events (0)

Record last edited

May 24 2020 2:47PM


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