Source/Archive record SYO2162 - Cliftongate Development DBA

Title Cliftongate Development DBA
Date/Year 2013


Desk-based assessment to determine the impact of potential development on likely archaeological remains on a large site north of Clifton Moor at Rawcliffe Moor, to be called Cliftongate in future. The proposed development site has considerable potential to yield features of archaeological interest. The bulk of these relate to activity of the prehistoric periods, particularly the Iron Age, as well as of the Romano-British period. These features, which includes Iron Age settlement, are comprised of ring-ditches, some possibly barrows, others round-houses; enclosures, ditches and field systems, together with features of smaller scale. These remains represent a considerable archaeological resource of greater significance than the evidence for subsequent ploughed out remains of medieval field systems that are also known. A number of former RAF remains of World War II are also present within the proposed development area. The prehistoric, Romano-British and RAF remains all merit further investigation.

Referenced Monuments (0)

Referenced Events (1)

  • Cliftongate Development DBA (Ref: 2013/32)

Record last edited

Mar 8 2019 1:34PM


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