Source/Archive record SYO2121 - 9-11 Tadcaster Road Copmanthorpe WB
Title | 9-11 Tadcaster Road Copmanthorpe WB |
Author/Originator | York Archaeological Trust |
Date/Year | 2018 |
An intermittent watching brief on ground works for a housing development was undertaken by York Archaeological Trust between 26th February and 19th July at 9-11 Tadcaster Road.
Groundworks at this site revealed nothing of any antiquity or significance, with all the features identified appearing to be contemporary with, or later than number 11 Tadcaster Road (built c.1950, appears on OS one-inch 7th series, 1955-61). A deliberate build up of the ground level has been observed to a depth of 1.5m in the soakaways, and no archaeological remains or natural geological deposits were encountered at any stage of works. The results of this watching brief as well as observations from historic maps suggest that until the current development, the site has been unsuitable for use other than as a dumping ground.
Referenced Monuments (0)
Referenced Events (1)
- EYO6459 9-11 Tadcaster Road Copmanthorpe WB
Record last edited
Feb 6 2019 3:55PM