Source/Archive record SYO2027 - 14 Lendal WB

Title 14 Lendal WB
Date/Year 2017


On the 2nd October 2017 York Archaeological Trust undertook a watching brief under an Area of Archaeological Importance operations notice on the footpath outside 14 Lendal. The ground works were to install a new electrical supply and were carried out by ground workers contracted by Northern Powergrid. Dimensions were originally indicated as being 2 trenches going to a depth of 450mm. The excavation instead was just 1 trench within the footpath outside the front of 14 Lendal, still going to a depth of 450mm. During works discovery of the mains electricity cable and cable junction necessitated the expansion of the trench to 3.60m by 1.10m, to a depth of 540mm to find the extent of the electricity cable and where it went into 14 Lendal. The trench contained a simple sequence of deposits which related to the existing footpath and existing cable trench. The earliest deposits encountered were between 540mm and 340mm BGL (below ground level) and consisted of mixed service trench backfill which contained CBM fragments, mortar fragments and half brick fragments.

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Record last edited

Nov 10 2017 2:15PM


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