Source/Archive record SYO1867 - Herbert Todd & Son, Percy Lane EVAL

Title Herbert Todd & Son, Percy Lane EVAL
Date/Year 2016


An archaeological evaluation was carried out by On-Site Archaeology at 1 Percy's Lane, York. This comprised the excavation of two trenches. The trenches were located within a service yard situated at the eastern end of the site, at the junction of Percy's Lane and Navigation Road. Both of the trenches revealed natural clay, at depths of 10.02m AOD and 10.37m AOD. The clay was cut by a series of shallow pits, which were either undated, or contained sherds of medieval pottery. These cut features were sealed by substantial thicknesses of post-medieval to early modern garden soils and, in the case of one of the trenches, deposits associated with the later 19th to early 20th century glassworks. The proposed development will be constructed using piles supporting a system of caps and ground beams. These have been designed to minimise impact upon the recorded archaeological remains. Within the southeast part of site the base of the ground beams and caps will be constructed approximately 600mm above the level at which archaeological features survive, therefore maximising their preservation in-situ. In the northeastern part of the site the foundations are to be constructed at a lower level and will impact upon the archaeological horizon. A scheme of archaeological mitigation will be required, within that part of the site where the proposed foundations will be of sufficient depth to impact upon archaeological features.

Referenced Monuments (0)

Referenced Events (1)

  • Herbert Todd & Son, Percy Lane EVAL & EXC (Ref: OSA16EV21)

Record last edited

Nov 17 2016 11:34AM


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