Source/Archive record SYO1792 - Wheatlands, Upper Poppleton Upper Poppleton, Wheatlands, Upper Poppleton EVALUATION
Title | Wheatlands, Upper Poppleton Upper Poppleton, Wheatlands, Upper Poppleton EVALUATION |
Author/Originator | WYAS |
Date/Year | 2015 |
A scheme of archaeological evaluation by trial trenching was carried out in advance of
development on land at Wheatlands, Upper Poppleton, near York. Thirteen trenches were
excavated in total, twelve of which contained archaeological features, despite little obvious
potential seen in an earlier geophysical survey. A ridge and furrow, strip field system was
identified across much of the site which formed the basis of the modern enclosed field
boundaries. Earlier ditched features and pits were also excavated, highlighting the presence
of a likely Romano-British landscape of ditched field boundaries and enclosures.
Referenced Monuments (0)
Referenced Events (1)
- EYO6102 Land at Wheatlands, Upper Poppleton Evaluation Excavation
Record last edited
Jan 27 2016 4:54PM