Building record MYO975 - 5 Precentor's Court


An early 18th century two-storey house, with later alterations and extension.


Grid reference SE 6018 5220 (point)
Map sheet SE65SW
Unitary Authority City of York, North Yorkshire


Type and Period (2)

Full Description

House. Early C18 with later alteration and extension. Painted brick on high plinth; timber modillion eaves cornice and boxed guttering; pantile roof with brick stack.

EXTERIOR: 2 storeys, semi-basement and attic; 2-window front; 1-storey flat roofed extension projects to left. Flight of steps leads to left of centre 3-panel door with 2-pane overlight, beneath bracketed canopy hood. To right, 2-light basement window in plinth beneath 16-pane ground floor sash window. Similar window to right of first floor, 12-pane staircase sash to left. Ground floor window has 2-panel shutters. Extension has row of small windows.

INTERIOR: not inspected. RCHM record a staircase with close strings and heavy turned balusters and square newels: two fireplaces with late C18 surrounds and applied composition ornament.

(City of York: RCHME: The Central Area: HMSO: 1981-: 200). Listing NGR: SE6018652208

Derived from English Heritage LB download dated: 22/08/2005

House, No. 5, of the early 18th century, small and two-storeyed with basement and attics, is built against No. 4a and of much the same date. It has two rooms to each floor, with the staircase placed unusually, adjacent to the front wall. The front elevation, in painted brick, has the entrance approached by a flight of steps, and one sash window at the ground floor and two at first floor. Internally, the staircase has heavy turned balusters set on a close string, a heavy handrail, and square-section newels. Fireplaces are set diagonally, as in Nos. 2–4a; two have late 18th-century surrounds with applied composition enrichment, possibly by Wolstenholme. Originally the kitchen was in the basement.

City of York: RCHME: The Central Area: HMSO: 1981-: 200. Monument 376

NMR Information

Full description(s) ?
(SE 60185221 - O.S 1/2500, 1962)


SE 6052 SW 27/487 14.6.54


2. Early C18. Some later alterations. Painted brick; 2 storeys with attic and basement; 2 sash windows with flat brick arches; plain wood doorcase with original wood canopy, 3 fielded-panelled door
and stone steps up with plain wrought iron railing on left-hand side; dentil eaves cornice. The interior has original features, including staircase. (RCHM Vol V, Monument 376).


1 List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest. p279 City of York, June 1983.
2 List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest. District of York, 14-MAR-1997

BF061058 5 PRECENTOR'S COURT, YORK File of material relating to a site or building. This material has not yet been fully catalogued.

NMR, NMR data (Unassigned). SYO2214.

RCHME, 1981, City of York Volume V: The Central Area (Monograph). SYO65.

Sources/Archives (2)

  • --- Unassigned: NMR. NMR data.
  • --- Monograph: RCHME. 1981. City of York Volume V: The Central Area.
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Record last edited

May 10 2020 2:24PM


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