Listed Building: 33, 33A and 35 High Petergate (463689)

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Grade II*
LBSUID 463689
Date assigned Monday, June 14, 1954
Date last amended


YORK SE6052SW HIGH PETERGATE 1112-1/27/470 (South West side) 14/06/54 Nos.33, 33A AND 35 (Formerly Listed as: HIGH PETERGATE (South West side) Nos.33 AND 35) GV II* Formerly known as: No.31 STONEGATE. Formerly known as: Nos.29 AND 30 HIGH PETERGATE. Includes: No.60 STONEGATE. Two houses, now two shops and flat. No.60 Stonegate originally part of C14 row comprising Nos 54, 56 and 58 Stonegate (qv); combined with Nos 33 and 35 High Petergate probably in early C17; early C18 extension at rear of Nos 33 and 35 High Petergate: No.33 altered and wing added in early C19: late C19 shopfronts, incorporating early C19 doorcase to High Petergate, with altered glazing. MATERIALS: timber-framed with plastered fronts, largely rendered at rear: extension wing of orange-brown brick in Flemish bond, rendered on gable end. Front range roofs pantile, slate at rear; wing has plain tile and pantile roof. Brick stacks and timber guttering, eaves cornices and bargeboards. EXTERIOR: High Petergate front 3 storeys, 4 bays, end bays gabled with plain bargeboards and attic windows: Stonegate front 3 storeys 3 windows: first and second floors jettied on adjacent fronts with corner dragon post dated :ANNO:DO:1646. No.33A has door of 6 raised and fielded panels in moulded surround to right of large-pane shop window and altered shop door beneath continuous moulded cornice. To left, glazed and panelled door with divided overlight beside large-pane shop window. Further left, doorcase of sunk-panel pilasters with beaded consoles at the head has door of 6 raised and fielded panels and radial fanlight in moulded round arch with imposts and paterae in the spandrels. Shop window to No.60 Stonegate has 3 lights over flush panel riser. Cased jetty plate forms continuous cornice to both. On first floor, window to left of centre is square oriel with paired 4-pane sashes, at right end a segmental bow with curved 8:12:8-pane sashes: between and at left end are paired 12-pane sashes. On second floor, paired 12-pane sash windows in left end bays; at right end, tripartite sash window with unequal 12-pane central sash; between, one 4-pane sash. Modillioned cornice and guttering with inverted bell rainwater head. 'County' firemark beneath second floor windows to No.35. Stonegate front has glazed shop door recessed in flush panelled reveal between plate glass windows framed in plain pilasters. First floor windows are 12-pane sashes, on second floor one 2x9-pane Yorkshire sash. Modillioned eaves cornice with inverted bell rainwater head at left end. INTERIOR: No.33 High Petergate. First floor: stairwell balustrade on first floor of stick balusters, turned newel and moulded handrail. Front room has blocked fireplace with reeded frieze, paterae and plain shelf. Room in rear wing has reeded door and window architraves, door of raised and fielded panels and two reeded elliptical arches, now blocked. Door of 6 sunk panels backed with raised and fielded panelling to second floor stairs. Second floor: exposed timber-framing. Front room has sunk-panel door and blocked fireplace with shaped frieze and moulded shelf. Door to attic stairs of 3 raised and fielded panels. Interiors of No.35 High Petergate and No.60 Stonegate not accessible. In No.35 High Petergate, RCHM record late C18 staircase with splat balusters to top flight: in No.60 Stonegate, first floor room with decorative plaster ceiling; plank and muntin panelling on second floor. A number of 2- and 3-panel doors and part-glazed 6- and 8-panel doors survive in different parts of the building. (City of York: RCHME: The Central Area: HMSO: 1981-: 186; 225-6). Listing NGR: SE6028852095

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Grid reference SE 60287 52095 (point)
Map sheet SE65SW

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Jan 24 2012 1:10PM


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