Listed Building: 69 Low Petergate (463912)

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Grade II
LBSUID 463912
Date assigned Monday, July 1, 1968
Date last amended


YORK SE6052SW LOW PETERGATE 1112-1/27/596 (South West side) 01/07/68 No.69 GV II House with shop, now shop. Mid C19 with later alterations and altered C19 shopfront. Orange brick in Flemish bond with timber shopfront and modillion eaves cornice; slate roof with brick stack. EXTERIOR: 3-storey 3-window front. Shopfront, framed in raised panel pilasters, has 2-light plate glass window and glazed and panelled door beneath panelled fascia and modillioned cornice on scrolled brackets. Windows on first floor are 4-pane sashes with flat arches of gauged brick, on second floor 12-pane sashes. On both floors, stone window sills continue as 1-course brick sill bands. INTERIOR: not inspected. Listing NGR: SE6036152040

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Grid reference SE 60361 52040 (point)
Map sheet SE65SW

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Mar 23 2009 11:02AM


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