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Grade II
LBSUID 464071
Date assigned Friday, June 24, 1983
Date last amended


YORK SE5951SW MILL MOUNT 1112-1/19/697 (South West side) 24/06/83 Mill Mount House and attached railings II House, now offices. Mid C19 with C20 alteration. Probably by JB and W Atkinson. Stucco with hipped slate roof. EXTERIOR: 3 storeys with attic. Main facade to The Mount 3 bays. The walls of the lowest storey are slightly battered and have channelled rustication. The windows are sashed. On the 1st floor they have lugged architraves with cornices, pulvinated friezes, and balconies with iron railings. On the 2nd floor they have architraves with cornices and a moulded sill band. Attic windows are inserted into the deep frieze, which has carved timber brackets supporting oversailing eaves and has plasterwork pentagons between brackets. At ground-floor level the left-hand bay has a C20 external aluminium entrance porch. Ridge chimney. The right-hand return wall, facing Albemarle Road, is also of 3 bays but has 2-storey canted bay windows to its outer bays, and the central 1st floor bay is blind except for a small inserted C20 window. The left-hand return wall, facing Mill Mount, has no window openings in its rusticated ground floor. At the left it has two 2nd floor windows with architraves and cornices above a window which has 2 round-headed lights flanking a central blind light, with low iron railings to the casement windows and brackets supporting a cornice with central segmental pediment. At the right there is a projecting bay which has 1st and 2nd floor windows with architraves and cornices. On the ground floor there is a doorway with a bracketed cornice hood which forms a balcony to the 1st floor window, with a front of stucco and ironwork. INTERIOR: not inspected. (Bartholomew City Guides: Hutchinson J and Palliser DM: York: Edinburgh: 1980-: 285-6). Listing NGR: SE5944851037

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Grid reference SE 59448 51036 (point)
Map sheet SE55SE

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Jan 11 2007 3:00PM


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