Listed Building: MONKGATE HOUSE (464131)

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Grade II
LBSUID 464131
Date assigned Monday, June 14, 1954
Date last amended


YORK SE6052SE MONKGATE 1112-1/14/739 (South East side) 14/06/54 No.44 Monkgate House GV II House, now offices. Built shortly after 1723; altered 1827 and c1835. Alterations of 1827 for George Hudson. Brick in Flemish bond with painted stone and stucco dressings. Pantiled roof. EXTERIOR: 3 storeys plus attic. 4 bays. Facade has stone plinth, painted stone 1st floor sill band with a brick band below, and a timber cornice gutter. The windows are glazing bar sashes with rubbed brick flat arches. The attic dormer has a pitched roof and 6-pane sash. On the ground floor a doorway of early C19 date occupies the 2 right-hand bays. It has a painted stone or stucco surround with Tuscan pilasters and a cornice. The door has an architrave and flanking lights and has 6 panels and an overlight. Ridge chimney at left. INTERIOR: open well staircase with cast-iron balustrade of geometric panels and serpentine handrail. A plaque records that George Hudson MP 1800-1871 lived here. (An Inventory of the Historical Monuments of the City of York: RCHME: Outside the City Walls East of the Ouse: HMSO: 1975-: 90). Listing NGR: SE6072152361

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Grid reference SE 60721 52365 (point)
Map sheet SE65SW

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Jan 11 2007 3:00PM


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