Listed Building: 41 Shambles (464688)

See our for general information on Listed Buildings, Scheduled Monuments and Conservation Areas.

Grade II*
LBSUID 464688
Date assigned Monday, June 14, 1954
Date last amended


YORK SE6051NW SHAMBLES 1112-1/28/1123 (South West side) 14/06/54 Nos.41 AND 42 GV II* Shop and workshop. Late C15, restored c1950. Timber-framed, ground floor rebuilt in orange-red brick in English garden-wall bond; upper floors rendered; pantile roof. EXTERIOR: 3-storey 3-bay front with first and second floors jettied on adjacent fronts. Timber-framing exposed, including dragon posts on ground and first floors. Two doors, both panelled, part-glazed to 42. Windows are small-paned, of 1-, 2- or 3- fixed or casement lights. Right return: crown post exposed in gable end. INTERIOR: complete timber-frame including first and second floor jetty construction with dragon beams survives. Roof retains three crown post trusses with collar purlin. (City of York: RCHME: The Central Area: HMSO: 1981-: 219). Listing NGR: SE6044851878

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Grid reference SE 60447 51877 (point)
Map sheet SE65SW

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

May 1 2012 12:36PM


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