Listed Building: 21 and 23 Bootham (462851)

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Grade II
LBSUID 462851
Date assigned Monday, July 1, 1968
Date last amended


YORK SE6052SW BOOTHAM 1112-1/13/68 (North East side) 01/07/68 Nos.21 AND 23 GV II House, now restaurant and shop. Late C17 house with earlier origins and C18 extension, C19 alteration; largely rebuilt and extended 1992-93. Front of re-used brick, rear of orange-brown brick in random bond; pantile roofs with stone copings at front, brick copings at rear; brick stacks. EXTERIOR: 2 storeys and attics; 5-window front. Central 4-panel door with divided overlight in moulded surround with decorative keyblock: flanking shop windows are of 3 lights with colonnette mullions over panelled risers and with prominent cornices on brackets. On first floor windows are 4-pane sashes with painted sills and keyblocks like that over door. Moulded cornice beneath plain parapet with ornate rainwater goods at each end. 3 dormers have small-pane windows. Rear: 2 storeys and gabled attics; 2 bays, right one taller. Ground floor openings obscured by yard wall and later extension. On first floor, left bay has 2 renewed windows beneath flat arches, to attic paired 4-pane sashes beneath shared cambered lintel. Right bay has 12-pane sash windows on both upper floors, both with flat arches. INTERIOR: C16 moulded plaster ceiling and wall paintings survive in two front rooms on the first floor. These are said to be of good quality and technique and nationally comparatively rare. Nothing comparable survives in York. (An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in the City of York: RCHME: Outside the City Walls East of the Ouse: HMSO London: 1975-: 55; English Heritage letter to York City Council: 1993-). Listing NGR: SE6008152296

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Grid reference SE 60081 52296 (point)
Map sheet SE65SW

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Jun 21 2011 12:37PM


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